Neraca Perdagangan Masih Defisit US$ 327,4 JutaTrade balance still suffers a USD 327.4 million deficit
Kinerja perdagangan Indonesia pada kuartal pertama belum memperlihatkan pemulihan secara signifikan. Badan Pusat Statistik mencatat, pada Februari 2013, neraca perdagangan Indonesia masih defisit US$ 327,4 juta. "Secara kumulatif, Januari-Februari 2013 defisit US$ 402,1 juta. Defisit disebabkan impor migas yang cukup tinggi," kata Kepala BPS, Suryamin, dalam konferensi pers di kantor BPS, Senin, 1 April 2013.
Indonesia’s trade performance in the first quarter has yet to show a significant recovery. Central Statistics Agency (BPS) data revealed in February 2013 that Indonesia’s balance of trade still suffered a deficit of USD 327.4 million. “Cumulatively, the deficit from January to February 2013 reached USD 402.1 million. It was caused by the steep rise of oil and natural gas imports,” BPS head, Suryamin spoke at a press conference in the BPS office on Monday, April 1, 2013.
Data BPS menyebutkan, total ekspor migas pada Februari 2013 sebesar US$ 2,539 miliar, sedangkan impornya mencapai US$ 3,645 miliar. Dengan demikian, selisih defisitnya US$ 1,105 miliar. Lebih terperinci, total ekspor minyak mentah pada Februari 2013 hanya US$ 814 juta, sedangkan impornya US$ 826 juta. (
The BPS data recorded that the total of oil and natural gas exports in February 2013 amounted to USD 2,539 billion, while the import stood at USD 3,645 billion. Thus, there was a USD 1,105 billion deficit. In more detail, the total crude oil exports in February 2013 grasped only USD 814 million, while the imports laid at USD 826 million.
Terjemahan ini dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Translation 2, jurusan Sastra Inggris Bidang Minat Penerjemahan, Universitas Terbuka.
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