Monday, June 13, 2016

Sabah conflict complicates matters for Najib, says report (translation)

Sabah conflict complicates matters for Najib, says report
Konflik Sabah memperumit tugas Najib, kabarnya  
The conflict in Sabah between the followers of the Sultanate of Sulu and Malaysian forces may affect the popularity of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the upcoming general election in Malaysia, Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BofAML) said.
Konflik di Sabah antara pengikut Kesultanan Sulu dan tentara Malaysia bisa mempengaruhi popularitas PM Najib Abdul Razak dan pemilu mendatang di Malaysia, kata Bank America Merrill Lynch (BofAML).

In its latest research note, dated March 7, BofAML said surveys conducted in January to February showed that Najib's popularity dropped, driven by a decline in sentiment of Malay voters, while "dissatisfaction" with BN and the government rose.

Berdasarkan hasil penyelidikan terakhir, tanggal 7 Maret, BofAML mengatakan, survei yang dilakukan selama Januari hingga Februari menunjukkan bahwa popularitas Najib telah jatuh, disebabkan oleh menurunnya sentimen para pemilih di Malaysia serta meningkatnya ketidakpuasan terhadap BN (partai Barisan Nasional) dan pemerintah. 

"The ongoing Sabah (Lahad Datu) insurgency may also be complicating matters for PM Najib. Sabah is one of the strongholds of BN. Sabah and Sarawak contributed one-third of BN's parliamentary seats in the 12th general elections," the bank said.[…] 

Pemberontakan Sabah (Lahad Datu) yang masih berlanjut dapat pula memperumit tugas PM Najib. Sabah adalah salah satu kubu BN. Sabah dan Serawak telah menyumbang sepertiga kursi parlemen BN pada pemilu kedua belas.

Terjemahan ini dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Translation 2, jurusan Sastra Inggris Bidang Minat Penerjemahan, Universitas Terbuka.       

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